thankthatstar wrote in lautner_daily Jul 23, 2009 22:25
holy shizz tay: your face, action: mister tough guy, face: determined, taylor: is hilarious, action: being a complete dork, welcome to the gun show, things we ♥: his face, clothes:, face: pure comicalness, clothes: a la sharkboy, action: like a boss, face: game face, holy shizz tay: your abs, era: sharkboy and lavagirl, action: posing for the photogs, face: cheesy, face: why so srs?, hair: lol spiky, blast from the past, face: intense, action: being silly
thankthatstar wrote in lautner_daily Jul 05, 2009 19:08
holy shizz tay: your face, face: relaxed, age: young, holy shizz tay: your smile, face: content, era: sharkboy and lavagirl, lights love tay, action: posing for the photogs, things we ♥: his smile, clothes: baseball tee, people: victoria justice, hair: lol spiky, face: killer smile, action: being adorable of course
myjetplane wrote in lautner_daily Apr 21, 2009 10:00
era: sharkboy and lavagirl, age: young, face: in midst of speaking, blast from the past, clothes: longhorns t-shirt